Friday, July 31, 2009

Stem Cell Enhancer Testimonials

Olimpio Franceschi, Puerto Rico
When Olimpio first heard about STEMTech, it was from his doctor and friend, Enrique Martinez, whose help Olimpio had sought for a very uncomfortable problem with his jaw. “I couldn't open my mouth for three days,” he explains. Having just returned from STEMTech's Launch Celebration in California, Dr. Martinez knew just what
to suggest - StemEnhance™. With the first capsules, Olimpio felt “something was going on.” By the next afternoon, his discomfort was gone and he could enjoy a meal again. Soon Olimpio noticed that other physical challenges that had kept him from enjoying life to the fullest were diminishing. His wife Annie began taking the
product too, and soon she was once again able to climb stairs, which had been impossible to her for years. “I saw these results, and I knew I had to take the StemEnhance™ message to others,” he explains.

He became an Embajadores de la Salud (Health Ambassador) and began traveling all over the island of Puerto Rico sharing StemEnhance™. “I learned that not only could I deliver health to the people of my country, but also I could make a good income for my family,” he says. Olimpio's climb up the STEMTech ladder has been steady
and very rapid. Each month he moved up a level, making Double Diamond after only seven months in business.

For Olimpio, the STEMTech business is simple. “I talk to people about the benefits of good health, and then I suggest they take StemEnhance™ and let their bodies talk to them. Once they see what StemEnhance™ does for them, they want to tell everyone about it!”

Deborah Sanders, Florida

“For many years, I was never fully asleep at night or fully awake during the day,”Deborah says. Her troublesome physical challenges curtailed any hope she may have had to lead a “normal” life. She became depressed and stayed away from people. “I suffered a lot of abuse from people who didn't understand my situation. They just assumed I was on prescription drugs or something,” she says. Last December, Deborah began taking StemEnhance™. “Within a few hours, I began to feel strange. I was suddenly aware of my surroundings, crystal clear,” she says. “It was almost frightening!” Deborah says that over the next few days it was as though her mind
had “awakened.”That night she went to bed and got up the next morning to a surprise. “I was awake, completely awake, and I stayed awake and alert all day!” Deborah couldn't believe it. “I had been partially asleep for 22 years I felt like I had gotten my life back,” she says. Deborah began calling people to share the good news. “Many people had never seen me really awake and alert,” she says ruefully. “But when they came over to the house and saw the change in me, they wanted to know how I did it.

I started handing out the StemEnhance™ Story DVDs and people started signing up.” Deborah says it has all been like a dream -- in a good way. “I feel like I've gone from rags to riches. I am awake and I am happy. Thank you, StemEnhance™!”

Laurie Powers, Michigan
A professional photographer, Laurie Powers was just coming out of her busy season when she began to notice a sudden change in her vision and a prickly sensation in her arms. “Something's not right,” she thought. Medical tests were inconclusive with the doctors saying she “might” be facing a long-term physical challenge. When they suggested a regimen of shots, Laurie's stress level went through the roof. She opted out of further treatment and went home to think. “I called my friends and asked for their prayers,” Laurie says. “My energy was gone. I was scared, and I didn't know what was happening to me.” Then one of her mother's friends suggested she should
try a new product called StemEnhance™.

Laurie checked the STEMTech web site and was so intrigued by the science behind this breakthrough product that she ordered a bottle. “Within two days of taking my first capsules my energy was up and my stress level was way down,” Laurie says. Since then, my troubling symptoms have been going away and I am feeling really good again. I thank StemEnhance™ for helping my body to maintain optimal health."

Vickie Shackelford, Texas
Vickie Shackelford led a pretty normal life until a slip on water at a Pizza Hut in 1992 changed things forever. “In an instant, I became a paraplegic, “she says.” Everything from my hip joint down is dead and surgery could not fix it.” To make matters worse, she was going through a divorce at the same time. With every reason to feel sorry for myself, “I decided to go on,” she says.” Once I realized that I am the same person that I was when I StemEnhance™ could walk, I was okay. Then I began pursuing wellness.” Over the next few years, Vickie kept an eye out for
new medical breakthroughs and maintained an all natural approach to health.

Then in April 2006, she was going down a ramp in her wheelchair holding a baby when the chair tipped over to protect the baby, Vickie landed hard on her shoulders, and ended up needing surgery on both of them. “I wore two slings so I couldn't do anything for myself. It was horrible!” A friend suggested that StemEnhance™ could help her body help itself.

Not expecting too much, Vickie took four StemEnhance™ capsules the first day, four the second, then noticed she had no more post-op discomfort. When the doctors told her it could be more than two years before she would have the use of her arms again, she says, “I decided to take six StemEnhance™ a day work really hard on my therapy and see what happens.” Six months later, she could raise both arms and do her own hair. “My doctors were shocked,” she says. She gets around nowadays in an electric wheelchair and drives a van adapted for her. It's a good thing, too. Vickie's a busy lady full of energy, who runs several local organizations.

Gaelen Straughn, Florida
Gaelen Straughn was tired, anxious and sleep-deprived. She says, “Even the idea of preparing meals for my three kids could put me over the edge.” Not one to use doctors, Gaelen tried to improve her life with a change in diet to one heavy on raw foods. And she started taking live AFA. “The raw food diet worked for awhile,” she says, “but then I hit a plateau.” A friend had heard Christian Drapeau speak about StemEnhance™ and suggested Gaelen should try it. “What this product can do is amazing!” her friend told her.

Within the first few days, Gaelen had to agree with her friend. “My anxiety subsided, my sleep patterns improved, and I was feeling good for the first time in years.” Gaelen went FastStart, and began telling others about her experience with StemEnhance™. In the months since, Gaelen has continued to enjoy life. “And recently I've noticed that about 40 percent of my full head of gray hair has been coming in brown again. That is something. StemEnhance™ is really an amazing product!”

Dr. Baxter D. Montgomery, M.D. - "We have had excellent results with Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) in our disease reversal program, specifically with cardiac disease, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. Within a few days of starting to drink AFA, my staff and I noticed a leap in our stamina during our workouts, an incredible boost in our mental clarity and ability to stay focused, and a decrease in our appetite. Our patients have commented that they are losing cravings for "the bad foods" as they continue to drink AFA. We are amazed and overjoyed at the tremendous results we see with regular use of this live super food." – Dr. Baxter D. Montgomery, MD with the Houston Cardiac Association, HCA Wellness and Disease Reversal

1 comment:

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